happy coming.

jealous? shoo.

Hello! :) Nice Donald Trump & history notes. Woohoo. 

Chapter 3

A civilisation is a sophisticated urban society that normally begins near a river for irrigation purposes, transport, or trade and the fertile soil around the river. In civilisations, people get food from agriculture.

It is a civilisation when:
  1. There is a form of government.
  2. Society was complex and there were different occupations.
  3. Society had complex religious beliefs
  4. Society had its own writing system.
Features of Indus Civilisation:
Government: Strict, near, organised, complex. (Roads= neat, different places for different events- great bath etc)
Occupations: Farmers, Priests, Traders and Craftsmen.
Complex belief: They have a religion. (Priests, great bath)
System of writing: Indus Script

Features of Shang Dynasty
Government: Ruled by kings
Occupations: Farmers, craftsmen, traders, priests, nobles, kings.
Complex belief: Believed in one supreme god, Shangdi.
System of writing: Chinese. :(

Features of SEA villages
Government: Ruled by kings
Religion: Almost every port/city had a religious building. Therefore they have religions.
Occupations: Sailors, fishermen, traders, craftsmen
Writing system: Jawi & Sanskrit

What helped sea villages become civilisations:
Rice- People in SEA are the first to grow rice. Rice can be traded.
Trade- Invention of boats so goods and travel from one village to another. Villages on coasts acted as small ports. Traders from other countries went to SEA to trade, turning it from village to kingdom.

Post your other notes~~~~~~~~~~~ :)
donald trump.

All the best for the rest of the papers study hard dudes!