happy coming.

jealous? shoo.

(YO, 24 Dont so angsty ah.)

I've got to know that you need to book the chalet one month or even two months before the actual date.
So I dont think we'll be able to have a class chalet.
So so so soooooooooo, lets just go somewhere to really like....BOND.
Maybe we should all....
1) Book a restaurant for buffet. [ Whoooahhh so rich, but its not a bad idea right!-we can get t know more about each other while we eat ahahahaha ]
2) Go on a picnic at ECP. [ since we cannot book a chalet hehe ]
3) Barbeque at some place. [ Dont think its a good idea since who would actually want to help barbeque all those food and miss out the fun, unless there're parents to help out ah ]
4) Go WWW/ETP. :) [ Wont be such a good idea since not all parents would allow their kids to go there alone and we're only sec ones right! Okay fine, gg t be sec 2s (but sec 2s only what hehehe!) ]
5) Just come back to school one fine day, and ask Mdm Kala for our Pizza treat. (hahaha, I know its pathetic but c'mon I'm sure we'll still have fun)

Okay, I'd actually chooooose #2. Hehehe.
Eh someone do the poll thingy leh. Idk how to........
(pssst, I'm wearing our class teee now. Such a coincidence cheh cheh)
-Dawno/RamizaHottie. (heheh prasan)

PS: Eh you guys ahhhhh, our profile....Common sense will tell you that if you're not happy with what's written beside your name, go and change it yourself k. Just ask around for the username and password if you dont know. :)