happy coming.

jealous? shoo.
History Chapter 4

System of government.

India, Chandragupta
Had a highly organized government because:
-Chandragupta had all the authority over all government matters.
-He had a large army to expand & control his empire.
-He also set up a war office.
-Believed in having a efficient system of justice.
-He would listen to his people's request even when he is having his daily massage.
-Improved the welfare of his people.
-Ordered irrigation systems to be maintained to ensure a steady supply of water for the farmers to grow their crops.

China, Qin Shi Huang
Feudalism in China:
-Feudal shi had to give tribute/gifts to the kings & in return, the kings would allow the feudal shi to rule their land.
-Feudal shi(s) made farmers work for them & in return they would protect the farmers.

Western Zhou Dynasty:
-Feudal shi respected and supported the king.

Eastern Zhou Dynasty:
-Feudal shi became greedy and wanted more land.
-Kings could not control them any longer.
-Fighting between the shi broke out, lasted for 232 years.

Period of Warring states:
-Northern China was broken up into several kingdoms
-Each kingdom had its own king.

Unitary system of government:
-Feudalism ended
-QSH defeated the shi to unify CHina & thus he became the king of the Qin dynasty.

Government under QSH:
-Each province had a military (in charge of army) and civilian (in charge of everyday matters) governor.
-An inspector would then watch over the two governors.
-QSH introduced laws throughout China.
-Standard measures & coins were introduced throughout the whole empire.
-Different forms of writing were abolished & a single script was introduced.
-Created a sense of unity amongst the people.
-QSH showed no mercy to those who broke his law, and they would be executed.

Mandate of heaven:
-Heaven would give blessing to a good ruler that ruled the people wisely & justly.
Selfish ruler = people suffering hardships
-Natural disasters (Floods) would be signs that the people had rights to overthrow the ruler.

SEA, parameswara
-Made melaka into an attractive port as it had a safe habour & was located along the straits of Melaka.
-Made friends with the Chinese emperor so that China would protect Melaka from enemy attacks.
-Married a Muslim princess & converted to Islam
-Rich Indian-muslims & arab traders supported Parameswara
-Shifted their trading headquaters to Melaka.

(Neeko ;) )