happy coming.

jealous? shoo.

Chapter 5
Caste System in India
According to their occupation
It is not flexible.
Once you are born into a certain caste, you will be in the same caste for the rest of your life.
Brahmins = Burger = Priest, Scholars
Kashatriyas = King = Warriors, Rulers
Vaishyas = Very = Merchants, Farmers
Shudras = Shiok = Farmers, Artisans
The Untouchables = Harijans

Class System in China1523-1027BCE -Shang Dynasty
The ruling class : kings, priests, feudal shi(landlord)- land given to them by the kings
the working class : farmers, soldiers, craftsmen

1027-221 BCE -Zhou Dynasty
1st class : Kings, priests, landlord
2nd class : Scholars
3rd class : Farmers
4th class : Craftsmen
5th class : Traders

221-205 BCE -Qin Dynasty
Reduced landlords power
Took away the power away from the landlords when they rebelled and greedy for more land.
Han Dynasty landlord were not given back their power

Scholars four important thingsPaper, Brush, Ink, Ink Stick

Class system in South East Asia
Ruling class : Sultan and his family
Trading and priestly class : Trade is the main source of money
Working class : Craftsmen, Fisherman, Farmers
Unlike the caste system in Indian, class system in SEA is flexible.
Unlike the class systmem in China, a village youth can become a great offical or king without taking exams.
Must have special ability, good luck or magice to get to a better class.

Women in SEA...
In ancient China, women were regarded the property of men.
In ancient India, girls were married before the age of puberty.Higher caste women practiced sati(burning of wives if the husband died earlier)

first time posting here, not sure if this will be much use
juz my share of notes^^

nutcase aka fy